Welcome to Portersville, Pennsylvania

founded circa 1796; incorporated 1844
Portersville Food Pantry
The Portersville Food Pantry is a non-profit organization which provides food to low income individuals and families in the Portersville, Prospect and Harmony areas. The Pantry is open for distribution on the first Tuesday (after the first Monday) of every month from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The street address is 160 East Portersville Road, Portersville, PA 16051, beside the Portersville Bible Church.
The Food Pantry opened its doors in January of 1991 at the Portersville -Muddycreeek Fire hall. The first pastor who believed in our mission was Tom Clyde of the Portersville Presbyterian Church. The church collected 37 bags of groceries and $67.00 as we stepped out in faith to serve the first 29 families that month.
We are a 501c organization and receive food from Federal, State and County sources. These resources have been cut drastically over the last 3 years, so we have been reaching out to local churches, schools and individuals to help with our needs. God never ceases to amaze us as He provides each month in unexpected ways. The Food Pantry currently service between 75 and 80 families each month. We rely on the community for many donations of non-food items that are not covered by other means. The Pantry also accepts donations of good used clothing, especially for children. If you would like to donate, the following items are always needed and appreciated: Toilet paper, spaghetti and spaghetti sauce, peanut butter and jelly, dog or cat food, dish washing soap, toiletries such as soap and shampoo.
This is God’s Food Pantry and He has blessed us with wonderful volunteers. Before packing groceries each month we have a time to share and pray for those who will enter to receive food. We believe in giving a hand up, not just a handout, to the community filled with hurting people who need to know that Jesus loves them.
For more information or to get involved, contact Cyndi Burns 724-368-9532 or Patti Ireland at 724-865-0133. If you wish to mail a donation, make check payable to Portersville Food Pantry. Address envelope to Portersville Food Pantry, PO Box 102, Portersville, PA 16051