Welcome to Portersville, Pennsylvania

founded circa 1796; incorporated 1844
Photos of Old Portersville
photos courtesy Mindy Daugherty and Ken Miller

Portersville, looking north from a position on the hill south of town. Large building center, left, is Humphrey's Store (today, Cal's location). Across the street is the IOOF, International Order of Oddfellows, as marked on the roof. The spire of Portersville Presbyterian, is seen just above the tree line.

Looking north. Humphrey's Store is on the left. The house just past the store was moved to Levis Road in the 1990s. That is now the location of Cal's Marathon Gas. On the right side is IOOF, also site of Portersville High School. The house just past it is gone, now the parking lot beween Nicolette's Gifts and VNA Engineering, formerly operated as Abundance.

The vehicles on display were used for postal home delivery. The brick house, third on right, is Nicolette's Gifts, today.

This hotel stood at the sight of today's post office parking lot. The sidewalk ran right through the hotel porch. Notice Moore's Store shows to the right.

Side view of the Portersville Hotel. The Atlantic gas sign from Moore's shows in the foreground.

Looking north, from Moore & Moore showing the west side of Main Street. In addition to hardware, it was a Clover Farm Grocery Store.

This is a hand-colored postcard, looking southbound. The horse is tied to a rail. No cars yet at this time. Brennamen's Store is at the right corner. Today, it is an apartment with green siding, at the corner of PA 488 and US 19

Brenneman's General Store and Restuarant, on Perry HIghway at corner of West Portersville Road.

Looking south at the intersection with today's 488. Today, to the left, would be split driveway up the hill to Portersville Presbyterian. In the picture, Uncle Billy's Popcorn Stand is to the left. Brennenman's Store is the white building, on the right.

This view is from the Creamery, along today's West Portersville Road (488), looking east toward the main street. Note the spire of Portersville Presbyterian at the top. The houses and barn remain today.

Portersville or Town School was located on Route 488, west of Route 19, and was built prior to 1874 at a site just east of the present Brown's County Kitchen Restaurant. When additional rooms in the Portersville-Muddy Creek Elementary School became available in 1959, the Town School closed.

This aerial view looks south. The Presbyterian Church cemetery is left foreground. Route 488 can be seen on the right side. Further toward the background on the left is today's 488 going toward Prospect. Starting up the hill, Levis Road stretches west, as it does today.

New storm drains are being installed on the east side of the road. This house is just north of the 488 intersection.